






Corporate Governance

ICHM Pty Ltd is a limited by shares Australian private company (ACN 080 984 738).

ICHM an Institute of Higher Education providing higher education courses and is governed by a Board of Directors which meet as the College Council. The College Council determines the strategic direction and values of ICHM as set out in the Strategic Plan. The College Council is collectively responsible and accountable for monitoring its performance against the Strategic Plan, to ensure it is solvent and complies with all its legal, financial, ethical and higher education obligations. 


ICHM College Council Members

Mr. Craig Jones - Chair of the College Council, CEO University Partnerships and Australia – UP Education

Mr. Chien Vu - CEO Acknowledge Education – UP Education

Ms. Adele Preston - General Manager, People, Country Road Group | Independent Member

Ms. Amy McWaters - Business Consultant | Independent Member

Professor Roberta Crouch Academic Board Chair - Academic Director and Principal


Academic Governance

ICHM’s College Council has delegated responsibility for Academic Governance of ICHM to the Academic Board. The Academic Board includes independent members from the higher education sector, industry, and Senior Management of ICHM.

The Academic Board is responsible for the academic oversight and monitoring of all academic activities. The Academic Board’s key responsibilities include the setting, monitoring and maintenance of academic standards and policies to ensure ICHM students have quality learning experiences and outcomes.

It acts independently in satisfying these accountabilities and reports directly to the College Council on the quality of teaching and learning.

In fulfilling its academic leadership role, the Academic Board ensures that the Higher Education Standards Framework against which TEQSA registers and assesses the performance of ICHM is followed at all times.


ICHM Academic Board Members

Dr Elizabeth Valentine - Adjunct Professor of Practice – Victoria University of Wellington

Ms Rachael Harman - General Manager, Ritz-Carlton, Melbourne

Mr Maurits De Graeff - Resident Experience Manager, AnglicareSA

Professor Christy Collis - AIPC & Endeavour College of Natural Health, Provost

Professor Roberta Crouch – Academic Board Chair - Academic Director and Principal


ICHM Constitution

The legal instrument which established ICHM is the ICHM Constitution.


Audited Financial Statements

Find below the annual financial reports for ICHM. In order to comply with the regulatory requirements and the provisions of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012. Contact ICHM directly for any points of clarification. 


Organisation Chart

View the full ICHM Organisational Chart here.





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